Friday, 29 April 2011

Sit Down, Dear, Calm Down!!

David Cameron got in trouble recently for saying this "jokingly" to a lady member on the opposite benches. It reminded me of an issue that affects me and concerns me. I think that lady member would feel the way I often feel as a "recovering" bipolar sufferer. That is if I ever dare to suggest something helpful. What could a crazy person know? We are "smart", say the establishment figures. We know what is best for you... Sit Down, Dear !

Have no doubt, I am recovering and will pursue if no one else seems to want it. Everyone, including the medical establishment, would rather I have a pharmacological straight jacket and live in that virtual asylum of convenience. There is absolutely nothing in place to encourage sufferers to be all that they can be. I should be careful saying nothing. Like most mental health services, it is a postcode lottery. it is also as lottery whether you get referred for such treatment. The chances are that you will be discharged as you you are breaking through.

The truth is that I have nothing in common with the shuffling mental patients who live in psychiatric hospitals for much of their lives. When I visit for out patient services, I can see that being hospitalized would be the end for me, not a new beginning. These shuffling patients, some of whom I have know in better days, ask "Are you a Patient or a Doctor?". I guess I don't look the part. I certainly don't feel the part. I am not a "crazy" person. I just suffer from a chronic illness akin to diabetes. I am not someone to be non PC but this is the truth as I see it. The asylum lives behind fancy new hospital doors. Just spend time in the lobby for an hour and observe.

Wellness and recovery are the new buzz words. The medical system hasn't a clue what this means and they are ill equipped to work towards it. The current staff are over stretched and they are not trained in these areas. These terms are tossed around with other concepts like the "Big Society". I am not into politics and I am not an activist. My view of activists is somewhat cynical. They seem to be more in tune with the status quo and not doing good things on the street. They would rather attend a high powered meeting to discuss how bad things have got. It is "Us" and "Us" and not "Us" and "Them". Activists win awards for being heroes.

I care deeply about the lot of fellow sufferers and the poor shuffling people in hospitals. The only place for action in the "Big Society" is on the street and providing what is needed. That includes a way back into society or at least a reasonable quality of life. The "Big Society" needs "Big Money", not just the dregs. The money is there. It is just mis-directed to self serving activism.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The Bipolar Advantage - Bipolar in Order

Just checking in, primarily with the people at The Bipolar Advantage. Tom Wootton wrote The Depression Advantage, The Bipolar Advantage, Bipolar in Order and other books. I find the concept very interesting if initially challenging. You may find it a challenging concept. My fellow sufferers and myself are the experts on being bipolar. No Doctor, however learned, can know what it is truly like unless they share the condition. No one can know how it affects lives unless they listen to bipolar sufferers. This happens all too infrequently and usually follows a bipolar related crime or celebrity story.

Despite some major blips this year, I still feeling the "advantage" of bipolar. I put my copy of "Bipolar in Order" in my support group library and it was borrowed for the first time last month. I want to get their reaction. I found it a frustrating book because the concepts were very much theoretical in the UK. They seemed sound however.

I have hit some all time lows in the first 4 months of 2011. I have been bouncing back strongly each time and that reassures me! I want to write about the advantage in my new book, a compilation based on lived experience. When I suggested the chapter, I am sure friends said "What advantage?" This was related to mental illness generally. I see it as a very good ending to the book and it will be my main contribution apart from coordination. It will focus on my wellness and continued recovery.

I am feeling very good in a very serene way. I am sure a lot of friends still think I am "nuts". As for the outsiders, they think I am totally "out there" with the faeries. I am still not sure about gaining from being depressed or anxious, but I can accept the connection. This year I have seen the worst of times and the best of times, sometimes in the same day or days. I founnd it amazing to feel so serene on the day after a major crisis.

I think I am getting there, where ever there is? Normal is a distant memory and I feel like I am re-inventing myself. Part of this was strangely made possible by increased isolation and breaking away from life's influences or expectations that were only in my head.

Excuse me rambling a bit. I hope it helps.


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Let me introduce myself !!

Hi, My name is Clive Wild. I was know as Clive Edwards and for the last two years as bipolarfella on occasions. I have frozen the bipolarfella blog. I can't match the earlier hypomanic ramblings and quite honestly I don't have the spirit to fight the bipolar cause. I wrote my story as Clive Wild and I hope that it heps people. It was accused of being a list of events. In truth , it was just that. I am more of a "seat of my pants" blogger than a writer. Flowery prose are not my thing. I like words and I did by best to string a few together in the book.

The last two years and two moths have been the worst of times and the best of times. They were also almost the last of times after a recent suicide attempt. I am now off the evil Seroquel and I hope that is the end of that. This period started with the writing and publishing of My Life as a Mood Swinger in a two and a half month period. It was published in mid April of 2009. I am buying a second batch of books from a UK printer and I will be able to sell copies at a much more reasonable price than Amazon's US $32.49.

The balance of 2009 was very good if I recall correctly. I had articles printed in two local newspapers. I appeared on BBC local radio in October and then again early in 2010. I recently appeared on another BBC local station.

2010 was a largely lost year and I suffered a lot of anxiety. I did keep up with Slimming World and reached my target loss of 84 pounds in October. I have maintained until a recent slight blip. My mood turned on a dime as the Americans say. This was on January 5th this year. My mood has been largely good since with several exceptions. My mood switch happened to coincide with me joining the Brilliant Madness site. My attendance in their chat has been instrumental in keeping me well. I feel genuinely good, mellow and balance. The only fly in the ointment is the poor sleep. I hope the doctors have an idea soon. I have recently started a new medication for mood stabilization. I am getting great help from the day hospital. I am much more active physically and mentally.


A new era - bipolarfella is retired

I think I have exhausted my blogging on Bipolar Disorder issues. I am not cured but I have reached a point of hope, wellness and some stability. I just need to get my sleep on track. This new blog will focus on wellness, recovery and other good stuff. Basically its is about living well with Bipolar Disorder. With apologies to Tom Wootton, it is about getting bipolar in order.
